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Varicent ELT Help Center

Varicent ELT Assistant


Varicent ELT Assistant is an AI assistant that helps end users perform specific functions within the application.


If you are interested in using the Varicent ELT Assistant, please contact your Varicent sales representative.

Varicent ELT Assistant is an AI assistant that helps end users answering almost any query about Varicent ELT or performing actions within the application.

The Varicent ELT Assistant is available in the pipe. Open your pipe and look for the Assistant icon chatbotAssistanticon.png.


Varicent ELT Assistant is not available to use with all tools. For a list of tools that use Varicent ELT Assistant, see: List of supported tools using Varicent ELT Assistant.

You can use the Assistant in the following ways:

  • General Varicent ELT questions.

  • Answering questions about your pipe by adding tools.

  • Document the pipe and where you can append the information to your pipe documentation.

  • Interacting with the Assistant to create, copy, delete, rename pipes.

  • Navigate to pipes, dashboard, settings, and data pages.


    The Assistant does not navigate to the destination but provides a link where you can click.

  • Contacting support.

To learn more about the Varicent ELT Assistant, take our Academy course on Exploring Varicent AI Assistant.

Privacy and security

Understanding what data the Varicent ELT Assistant can and cannot access is an important matter of privacy and security. Varicent ELT Assistant has the following guidelines in place:

  • Data uploads:

    • Varicent ELT Assistant does not have access to the data uploaded into Varicent ELT, as seen in the Row Viewer.

  • Pipe and tool configurations:

    • Varicent ELT Assistant can access to pipe and tool configurations.

    • Varicent ELT Assistant can access the configurations, which include the column names and types. If there are two data tools, the Varicent ELT Assistant will only access the data pertaining to those specific two tools, not any others.

    • Varicent ELT Assistant knows which tool the user has selected.

Example questions and responses

The following section shares example questions and responses for the Assistant. If you ask the Varicent ELT Assistant a question that is not related to Varicent ELT, it will respond notifying you that it can only answer questions pertaining to Varicent ELT.

Table 75. Example questions and responses

Ask the Assistant

Sample question

Sample response

Suggestions about Varicent ELT

How do I import data?


Documenting the pipe

Document this pipe in two paragraphs.


Creating a pipe, deleting a pipe, copying a pipe or renaming a pipe

Can you create a new pipe named My Pipe?


Answering questions by adding tools to your pipe

Count the number of Territory ID by territory name


Asking what a particular node does

Can you explain in the output, why is Microsoft categorized as strategic account?


Navigating to a different area of Varicent ELT

Can you take me to my dashboard?


Contacting support

Can I talk to support about an issue I've been having?


Multilingual feature

Varicent ELT Assistant is multilingual. Not only can it answer questions in English, it and can also answer any questions in other languages. For example, you can ask it to document your pipe in French and it will return a French response:


If you ask the Varicent ELT Assistant a question in another language other than English, it will return an English response. For example, the prompt of Créer un nouveau tuyau (Create a new pipe), shows this response:
