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Varicent ELT Help Center

Varicent ELT Glossary


Review concepts to help you understand Varicent ELT.

This glossary defines some concepts to help you understand Varicent ELT.

Table 76. Varicent ELT glossary of terms and concepts

Term or concept




A Varicent ELT user who has full access to all Varicent ELT components and settings for the organization. Learn more...


This key is used to connect your Incentives model with your Varicent AI account. You can access your API key by navigating by clicking on your name > Generate API Key > Generate Key. Learn more...

Audit log

A digital record capturing a detailed history of all user activities. Learn more...


Big pipe

A type of pipe to use for complex or high-volume data. Learn more...


Composes the data using the entire data set to show the most recent calculations in the row viewer. Learn more...



A working area located on the Pipes page where you can add tools to build your pipe.

Charts (visualizations)

A visual representation of data. Create charts and tables using the data from the tools in your pipe. Learn more...



An area used to organize your charts. You can access your dashboard from the Dashboards tab. Learn more...

Dashboard viewer

A Varicent ELT user who can view shared dashboards. Learn more...



Export cleaned and transformed data from your pipe or the Exports page. On the Exports page you can create and schedule exports, view statuses, and download exports. Learn more...



Bring your data into Varicent ELT directly into the pipe or through the Data page. Set up a third-party connector to bring data in from your other apps or drop files on the Data page. Learn more...



The Classifier or Regressor tools use training data to generate multiple models using different algorithms, such as Random Forest, XG Boost, and so on. These models are then evaluated against each other using the specified Performance Measure, and the single model with the highest score for that Performance Measure is chosen as the model to use for making predictions. Learn more...



An option to make your data unintelligible to protect any personally identifiable information. Learn more...


Performance measure

A measure of how a model performance measure can dictate how Varicent ELT selects a winning model. When a model is trained, we can measure how well it did against test data across multiple measures such as Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity, and Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC). Learn more...


A pipe is a workspace where you can perform data transformation, analytics and specify the source and destination. There are two kinds of pipes; Big pipe and Standard pipe. Learn more...



Automate your data workflows by scheduling specific dates and times for executing various tasks. With the Scheduler, you can set up a routine to run data pipes, export results, or update data by importing it from third-party sources. Learn more....

Standard pipe

A type of pipe useful for most scenarios as it is fast and efficient. This is the recommended pipe. Learn more...



An aid to build your pipe to add data, predict, prepare, and clean data. Learn more...Pipes