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Word Frequency


Perform a word frequency count across your data set, in a particular column.

Perform a word frequency count across your data set, in a particular column.

The Word Frequency tool accepts the following variables to search for text or phrases:

  • Exact text match, such as red.

  • Double count, such as red or red pepper.

  • Case insensitive, such as Red or red.

When to use this tool

Use the Word Frequency tool to perform a word or phrase frequency count in a particular column across your data set.


The Word Frequency tool requires two data inputs. The first one is the data source where the tool will look for specific words or phrases. The second is a data source containing the words or phrases.


The Word Frequency tool only accepts string format.

Configuration options

Use the following configuration options to help create your rules.

Configuring Word Frequency
  1. In your , add your data sources.


    The Word Frequency tool requires two data sources.

  2. Click symon_add_icon.png + Tool.

  3. In the search bar, search for Work Frequency. Click + Add tool.


    You can also find the Word Frequency tool in the Calculate section.

  4. Connect the tool to your data sets.

  5. In the configuration pane, enter the following information:

    Table 45. Word Frequency tool configuration



    New column name

    Enter the name of the new column for the frequency count.

    Column to extract from

    Select the column in the data set to extract the data from. This column is where you want to look from.

    Target text column

    Select the column in the data set that you want to target the data from. This column is the words or phrases that you want to look for.

    (Optional - Advanced section) Match type

    Select the Exact match option for exact matches only.

    Case insensitive

    Select the case insensitive option to use any case form.


    By default the search is case sensitive.

Usage example

Use this tool to find how many times each word is showing up in a specified column. Then, the tool sums up how many instances of each word for you.

For example, if you want to find out how many times the words Apple, Peach and Orange are listed in a particular column. Enter the target column and run the tool for the sums:

Example of Word frequency