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Varicent ELT Help Center

Schedule data


Schedule a date and time to build or export a pipe or refresh a third-party data source.

You can schedule a date and time to perform the following actions:

  • Build a pipe.

  • Export a pipe.

  • Refresh a third-party data source.

Set the build, export or refresh for the current date or later, or at different intervals. For example, you can create an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly schedule.

  • If you choose an hourly schedule, do not schedule exports more frequently than every 15 minutes.

  • If you choose a daily schedule, you can have it export every day, every other day, every third day, and so on.

  • If you choose a weekly schedule, you can pick specific days of the week, and more than one day in that week, such as Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

  • If you choose a monthly schedule, you can pick the frequency and the date, such as every two months on the 10th day.


The Scheduler exports the most recent scheduled time. If you deactivate the schedule close to the time you previously scheduled and reactivate it right after the time, it exports. For example, if you deactivate the job at 11:59 am for a noon export and reactivate the job at 12:01 pm, the Scheduler checks when the last job was exported and will know that the noon job didn't export. Since you reactivated the schedule, it will export. If you have a daily schedule and the last scheduled export was over 24 hours, the job will not export.

If you have multiple schedules exporting simultaneously, the last one to be completed shows in the Scheduler.