Varicent ELT Release 3.62.0
Release notes for the Varicent ELT 3.62.0 release.
Release notes for the Varicent ELT 3.62.0 release.
Loved it before? Wait until you see it now.
We took the time to revamp some of the things you already love.
Accessibility updates
We've fine-tuned the focus order on our models and content. You can now flow through our user interface with better ease.
Rule-based assignment transaction data
We've done it again! We've added the ability for you to define rules to compare Numbers
and Date
values in transaction data. This allows you to compare two columns so that you can evaluate rules on the transaction data. For more information, see the Rule-Based Assignment documentation.
A new way to select a data source in your pipe
We've been busy! We've added a new intuitive way to select your data source within your pipe. Now, a modal lets you choose your data source quickly, eliminating unnecessary steps.

We've also added new icons when building new calculations so you can understand where and how to begin building new business logic.
These updates are designed to guide you visually so you can better understand your pipe and work with confidence and efficiency.
We crushed some bugs!
And we're so happy that we did...
Issue | Bug number |
Fixed an issue where converting text to a date with the Change type tool caused values to disappear. | 00260022 |
Resolved an issue where users were unable to add people to their organizations. | 00259687/ 00259410 |