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Symon.AI help center

Account settings


Access your profile to make updates to your personal settings.

View and update your account details from the Account settings tab. From the Account settings, you can access the following settings:

  • Personal info: This page contains your name and email address associated with your account.

  • Email notifications: This page contains the settings for email notifications for exports.

  • Change password: This page contains the settings to change your account password.

  • Generate API keys: This page contains the action to generate an API key to connect your Varicent Incentives model with your Symon.AI account.

  • My organizations: This page contains all the organizations you belong to.

Accessing Account settings
  1. Sign into Symon.AI.

  2. Click on your username.

  3. Click Account.

    You can now access account settings for Personal info, Notifications, Change password, Generate API keys and My organizations tabs.