Add another data set to an existing one by appending columns.
Combine two data sets by appending columns. Match columns based on selected key columns to look up and pull the corresponding data. Ensure at least one common column in both data sets when joining data. The common column is known as a key column.
When to use this tool
Use when you need to combine two data sets.
If you want to combine data sets but restrict them to only matching columns, use the Union tool instead.
Select the join type to combine columns:
Left: Values appear in the left data set output when joined, regardless of a match.
Right: Values appear in the right data set output when joined, regardless of a match.
Inner: Values must exist and match in both data sets for the results to appear in the output.
Left anti: Values from the left table that don’t have any matching rows from the right table appear in the output.
Full outer: Returns all records in both the top (Left) and bottom (Right) data sets, regardless of a match.
Cross: Returns the cartesian product of rows from the left and right data set.
Cross join may create memory performance issues if the data source is too large. We are limiting Cross join to a maximum of 100 columns and 100 million rows to not affect performance issues.
Auto join: Select the join type and click Auto join to automatically create the conditions upon finding any matching columns in the two datasets.
Learn more about the join types...
In the advanced settings, you can select different comparison operators. Equal
is the default operator. You can choose from the following operators to filter:
Operator | Text | Numeric | Boolean | Dates |
Equal | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported |
Less than | Not supported | Supported | Not supported | Supported |
Less than or equal | Not supported | Supported | Not supported | Supported |
Greater than | Not supported | Supported | Not supported | Supported |
Greater than or equal | Not supported | Supported | Not supported | Supported |
Like | Supported | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported |
Note: If you select the Like
operator, the pattern type appears.
Input and output
To use this tool, you need two data sets.
When you run this tool, it appends columns to the primary data set based on the secondary data set. The data type must be the same in both key columns.
Use the following configuration options to configure the Join tool.
In Pipe builder, add your data sources.
+Add Tool.
Click See all tools.
In the search bar, search for the Join tool. Click Add tool.
You can also find the Join tool in the Combine section.
Connect the tools to your data sets.
In the configuration pane, enter the following information:
Table 54. Join tool configurationField
Join conditions
Select the Join type:
Left join
Right join
Inner join
Left anti
Full outer
Cross join
Join column top
Select the operator to join the top column. For more information, see: Operators.
Join column bottom
Select the operator to join the bottom column. For more information, see: Operators.
Click to access the Advanced section of the configuration.
Select the operator that you want to use. For more information, see: Operators.
Optionally click on Auto join to automatically join the data sets based on matching column names and column types.
Auto join conditions will be created based on the join type selected and will be automatically added to the Join tool configuration.
Usage example
You have two data sets. The Universe column from the top and bottom data sets are the related columns that will allow us to merge the top and bottom nodes together.

The Join tool gives you a breakdown of your data sources and offers suggestions within the Row viewer to help you merge your data and get the results that you want:
Choose alternative or unique columns: This suggestion shows an overlay over the configuration, showing you what you could change to the selected join columns.
Duplicate rows: This suggestion adds the Unique tool between one or both of the incoming data sources if they have duplicate rows. One more both incoming data sources must have duplicate rows.
Clean tools: This suggestion shows you tools to clean the columns in the join conditions if the join results are blank.
Learn more: This suggestion takes you to the Join tool documentation.