Pipes module
The Pipes module contains all of your pipes and pipe folders.
The Pipes module contains all of your pipes and pipe folders.
In Varicent ELT on the side navigation bar, select the Pipes module.
The Pipes module opens and you can view and action all of your pipes and pipe folders.
A pipe is a workspace where you can perform data transformation, analytics and specify the source and destination. There are two kinds of pipes; Big pipe and Standard pipe. For more information on pipes, see the Pipe builder overview.
On the Pipes page, you can perform the following actions on each pipe. Click the icon:
View pipe
View charts
Share pipe
Set thumbnail
Move to folder
To update your pipe, click Edit.
This action takes you directly to the pipe.
You can sort your pipes in different ways:
Created on
Sort each filter by either ascending or descending order.
Pipe folders give you a space to organize and manage your pipes.
When you open the Pipes page, in the Folders section, there is a default All folder. This folder contains every pipe available. If you chose to move a pipe to another folder, you can use the menu to move it, or drag and drop to a new folder.
You can also edit folder names or delete a folder.
Be careful when you delete a folder. All of the sub-folders and pipes associated with the folder that you want to delete, gets deleted too.