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Symon.AI Help Center

Symon.AI Release 3.59.0


Release notes for the Symon.AI 3.59.0 release.

Release notes for the Symon.AI 3.59.0 release.

Loved it before? Wait until you see it now.

We took the time to revamp some of the things you already love.

Rule-Based Assignment enhancement

We've been busy! We've made some enhancements to the Rule-Based Assignment tool. Previously, we supported 100,000 rows of hierarchy, and now we support over one million rows of hierarchy. This resolves the out-of-memory issues that users may have encountered.

Join tool columns are case-insensitive

We've done it again! Previously, the Join tool allowed duplicate columns in the output and was case-sensitive. For example, the output dataset could include columns named TerritoryID-2 and territoryId-2.

Now, the Join tool is case-insensitive, and duplicate column names are assigned different suffixes. For example, the output dataset will include columns named TerritoryID-2 and territoryId-3.

Accessibility updates

We've continued to fine-tune the focus order on our modals and content. You can now flow through our user interface with better ease. We've also updated our labels and descriptions for interactive elements and tables.