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Symon.AI Release 3.25.0


Release notes for the Symon.AI 3.25.0 release.

Release notes for the Symon.AI 3.25.0 release.

Loved it before? Wait until you see it now.

We took the time to revamp some of the things you already love.

New Case tool reorder feature

We've been busy! We've added a way to reorder your cases when you use Case tool. Use the drag and drop icon DragIcon2.png to order your cases the way you want.

Multiple operations for the Replace tool

You can now add multiple conditions when you configure the Replace tool. You can also use the drag and drop icon DragIcon2.png to order your operations the way you want.

Revamped the drag and drop for imports

We've taken the time to fine tune the important things. We've added the ability for users to drag and drop data directly onto the pipe page and updated the messaging to make the actions clearer to make your life easier.


New way to merge data sources

Here we go again! We've added an easy way to guide you through merging your data. Add your data to your pipe and then choose the Merge two data sources option on the next step panel.


After adding your second data source to merge, choose from Appending rows or Appending columns. Follow the steps in the wizard and you're good to go!


We crushed some bugs!

and we're so happy that we did...


Bug number

Fixed an issue where users couldn't export data to SFTP.


Resolved an issue where users could not export if there's no Create permission on SalesForce.