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Symon.AI Release 3.24.0


Release notes for the Symon.AI 3.24.0 release.

Release notes for the Symon.AI 3.24.0 release.

It's brand new and all for you

and we think you're going to like it!

Lending a helping hand with chart suggestions

Need a chart visualization, but not sure which one to use to best represent your data?

Introducing chart suggestions. When you click on Charts in the toolbar, three kinds of charts are available for you to choose from. Make your own or choose from one of our suggestions! Learn more...


Explore with our sample data

We've added sample data that is easily identifiable so you can explore Symon.AI. To find the Sample data page, go to the My data page and click the Sample data tab. See all of the data you can use to explore at your fingertips!


Introducing the NetSuite import connector

Look out, we have a new connector, the NetSuite import connector! You can now use NetSuite to import your data to Symon.AI. Learn more...

Organize your pipes

We've added a new way to organize your pipes, with pipe folders. On the Pipes page, you'll see a side panel with Folders. Add your folders and organize away!

The All folder contains every pipe. If you chose to move a pipe to another folder, you can use the menu to move it, or drag and drop to a new folder.


You can also edit folder names or delete a folder. But be careful when you delete a folder, all of the sub-folders and pipes associated with the folder that you want to delete, gets deleted too.


It's even better now.

We took the time to revamp some of the things you already love.

Fueling the REST API connector's power

We've made the REST API import connector more powerful! We renamed the Generic REST tile to REST API. We've also added several popular business systems that you can connect your Symon.AI account to. All REST-based connector tiles appear after the REST API connector tile. Learn more...
